Thursday, May 16, 2019

Technologically Advanced Modern World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Technologically Advanced Modern human - Essay ExampleOne such element is the doubling of women in the media. The image of women is distorted and misshapen in visual media and hence, it has become a matter of concern for the society. This fact has been brought in open by feminists. In her UNESCO-funded study, Margaret Gallagher (1979) has raised her concern regarding the distorted image of women in media, as according to her, media are potentially powerful agents of socialization and social change-presenting models, conferring status, suggesting appropriate behaviors, encouraging stereotypes etc (Byerly & Ross 17). Hence, by repeatedly representing women as weak, irrational and heading for sexual pleasure, the media has damaged their image. Also, as far as the image of women in movies is concerned, the most disturb image is the image of monstrous-feminine in the horror movies. Feminists cede observed that in horror movies, it is non the female persons who are represent as a mon sters, but it is their femininity and the sexuality which is shown as horrifying and hence, monstrous (Byerly & Ross 21). This shows that it is the male soul which tries to degrade the femininity through monstrous representation of females in horror movies. However, the theory that best helps lot in understanding the representation of femininity and female sexuality as monstrous, is the theory of psychoanalysis, as it not only reveals the social structure that leads to it, but also the roots of misrepresentation of femininity as monstrous, that lies trench in the unconscious mind(p) of male human beings. Image of Women In Movies Although there have been many changes in the technology and media, the image of women in the media has remained quite unchanged. Women have always been represented in cinema as weaker sex. The reason behind no change in the image of women in cinema is the unconscious flavours of the male mind, and the ideological concept of cinema, which are usually dom inated by males in the society (Mulvey 58). The unconscious aspect of the male dominated society, which considers women as nothing but an determination of desire or a weaker sex, is reflected in the female characters in the movies. Hence, cinema has become a mirror of the patriarchal system in the society. agree to British film theorist and feminist Laura Mulvey, Hollywood has maintained its entertainment value by manipulating the mage of the women in cinema to please mens visual desire of seeing women as sex object (Mulvey 59). Sadly, women are not only shown as an object of visual pleasure, but are also envisioned as human beings who are dependent on men for their social and personal status. The character and the federal agency of woman is usually designed in such a way that she not only satisfies the unconscious sexual desire of men but at the same time, fits into the order of male dominated society. The dominating patriarchal order is woven in the erotic representation of w omen in cinema (Mulvey 59). However, what is more disturbing than the image of women as weaker sex is the monstrous image of women shown in the movies. The reason behind this lies in the unconscious fears that are harboured by male human minds and hence, can be explained with the aid of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis Explains Monstrous-Feminine Since ancient times, women have suffered secondary status and inferior fragilityment at the hands of men in the societies. Men treat women in ill

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